Eclipse and Papyrus

Connecting Eclipse World with ModelBus.

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Today more and more tools are moving towards the Eclipse IDE as this is a very powerful and extensible framework. In particular, new tools are likely to be created on top of the Eclipse IDE. With the ModelBus® Adapter for Eclipse it is possible to connect every Eclipse based tool to the ModelBus® independently of whether it works on models or on files. It is realized as an extension of the Eclipse Team Provider interface. The workflow is very similar to the one that developers are used to when working with Eclipse Subversion clients for example. The Adapter provides several different views, which show the content of the ModelBus® Repository or the ModelBus® Notifications for example. The adapter also tracks dependencies of a model to other models including meta-models or profiles. In that way they can be synchronized automatically.

Particular emphasis has been given to the Papyrus UML Editor. There are some special features enabled which make the use of the adapter even more convenient. So when working with UML models in Papyrus it is possible to lock parts of the model. This is signaled to those developers, who work on the same model and attempt to modify that model part which is blocked for those users until the lock has been released.


ModelBus® Adapter for Papyrus

This screenshot shows how to lock a model element in Papyrus.


Integration of Enterprise Architect and Papyrus UML via ModelBus

This demo shows the bi-directional synchronisation of Enterprise Architect and Papyrus UML via the ModelBus.The ModelBus adapters allows the interactive collaboration of developers working on UML models in Papyrus and Entersprise Architect in parallel.

Papyrus Interactive and Collaborative UML Modeling with ModelBus

This video shows the interactive modeling Feature of the ModelBus TeamProvider, It allows the simultaneous work of different developers on the same model in an immediate interactive way. In addition the locking feature is also shown. Locking a model or parts of a model helps to avoid merge conflicts.

About Us

The ModelBus Team at the System Quality Center at Fraunhofer FOKUS provides tools and services for improving system engineering processes. Being part of Fraunhofer - Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization - our work focusses on efficiency in system development.


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