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ModelBus as platform can be used to integrate various different tools. Explore the world of tool integration, interoperability and automation.

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About Us

The ModelBus® Team at the System Quality Center at Fraunhofer FOKUS provides tools and services for improving system engineering processes. Being part of Fraunhofer - Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization - our work focusses on efficiency in system development.

We are a group of highly motivated engineers having a broad technological background and committed to innovation, high quality work and customer needs. With the ModelBus technology we offer an advanced tool integration platform, serving as basis for innovative, efficient and highly integrated development solutions.

Besides ModelBus® we offer a set of additional tools and extensions which addresses specific tasks in system engineering, including traceability, metric computation as well as requirements engineering and co-simulation.

Our mission is to improve system engineering. We analyse your current development environment, the interactions within the teams and the data exchanged between tools. And we show you different ways to improve efficiency in your processes, either in small steps or as substantial re-architecting.

Products & Services

ModelBus® Tool Integration Framework

Tool interoperability is a key challenge in today’s system development. ModelBus® allows you to connect tools and to synchronise developers across tool boundaries. It lets you automate your development processes.

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ModelICE Web Modeling Platform

evelopment in model-driven processes since they provide a comprehent view on a system. Therefore, models need to be accessible anytime and anywhere. Using ModelBus® core technology, ModelICE integrates tools and brings its models into the web offering full edit capabilities.
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Metrino Model Quality Tool

Analysing development artefacts such as design models is important for making right decision and for enabling quality control. Metrino offers variety of analysing methods and result presentation views.

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Traceino Traceability Tool

Having semantically rich end-to-end traceability is vital for tangible development processes. Traceino lets you define and control the trace links between your development artefacts.

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Requino Requirements Management Tool

Requino supports innovative and novel requirements management methods by allowing a structural description of the system instead of using only plain text. Requino has also a modern web-based UI and is using ModelBus® for collaboration and model management.
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Model-based testing in large scale projects requires flexible and adaptable test tool chains. Fokus!MBT uses the ModelBus® for providing a customized MBT solution.

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Tool Adapters

ModelBus® tool adapters connect tools to ModelBus®. A set of pre-existing adapters is available and can be extended with new adapters for custom and commercial tools.
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ModelBus® services connect tools to each other. Services for a set of different tools is available and can be extended with new services for custom and commercial tools.
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Jason Xabier Mansell (technalia, Spain) about using ModelBus for PLUM:

“PLUM stands for Product Line Unified Modeller and ModelBus has been the technology which unifies the different tools which conform the PLUM toolsuite. The key advantage we obtained from using ModelBus is that the tools can be deployed either integrated into a single IDE or can be separated into a distributed environment. ModelBus allowed to do this seamlessly and took care of the transport protocols and communication issues.”

About Us

The ModelBus Team at the System Quality Center at Fraunhofer FOKUS provides tools and services for improving system engineering processes. Being part of Fraunhofer - Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization - our work focusses on efficiency in system development.


Contact Us

Fraunhofer FOKUS
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin


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