Fokus!MBT is an integrated test modeling environment that guides the user along the methodology of Fokus!MBT and thereby simplifies the creation of the underlying test model. A test model includes test relevant structural, behavioral and methodical information. By formalization, the tester’s knowledge can be machinably preserved as well as evaluated and exploited at any time – for instance to generate further testspecific artifacts, such as test cases and test scripts. Another benefit of the test model is the possibility to visualize and to document test specifications. The modeling notation used by Fokus!MBT is the UML Testing Profile (UTP) specified by the Object Management Group. It is a test-specific extension of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is prevalently used in industry. This enables testers to rely on the same language concepts as system architects and requirement engineers and, therefore, to overcome communication problems and to support the mutual comprehension.
Fokus!MBT is based on the flexible Eclipse RCP platform, the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Eclipse Papyrus and it perfectly works in the ModelBus® environment. The validation of the system under test concerning its requirements is the main target of all testing activities. Thereby, the consequent and continuous traceability among requirements and test artifacts – especially amongrequirements and test cases – is indispensable, but not sufficient. Fokus!MBT takes a major step forward by integrating the test execution results into the test model‘s inherent traceability network. This establishes a consistent traceability network between requirement, test case, test script and test execution results, making conclusions about the coverage of the particular requirement or the test progress itself immediately calculable. Furthermore, the visualization of the test execution results allows a detailed analysis of the test execution flow to preprocess and, ultimately, to evaluate the test results.